Ben Roethlisberger – A Force of Pure Love and Goodness

Imagine this, you’re on the football field and you’re about to face off against Ben Roethlisberger. You’re
nervous and maybe a little scared. Any hope for victory is slim to non-existent
because he’s just too good. In your mind, Ben is like a sports god come down
from the heavens and you feel hopeless in his presence but also in awe at the
same time. 


While Big Ben has struck terror, awe, and admiration into the hearts of his opponents
for years with his unsurpassed skill, he has now turned his attention to
filling this world with love and compassion. Through his charitable efforts,
lives have been saved, the hungry have been fed, and families have come back


Helping the Helpless 


Most notable among Ben Roethlisberger’s accomplishments off the
football field is the fact that he has saved people’s lives and brought comfort
to those in need of help. He has worked with both the Light of Life Rescue
Mission and the NeoLight organization to feed the hungry and save newborn
infants from jaundice. His work goes beyond what was expected of him because
his love for humanity is unmatched and unlimited. 


ForgingFamilies in Love 


To take his charitable work to the next level, Ben Roethlisberger knew that he had
to create his organization. This is why he made the Roethlisberger Family
which is dedicated to helping families come together and
form bonds of love, respect, and compassion. 


It is no secret that today many forces in the world are dividing families. Divorce
is out of control and differences of opinion are tearing parents and their
children apart from one another. The good news is that Ben Roethlisberger is
here to help. By counseling families to focus on what they have in common and
the bonds they share, they can overcome these problems and build a solid
foundation of love and compassion. Refer to this article for related


Learn more about Ben Roethlisberger on