Vijay Eswaran Explains The Impact of The Sphere of Silence on Your Daily Life
Being engaged all day while handling the tussle and hustles of life can leave you exhausted. Therefore to leave a stress-free lifestyle, you must always be informed of the less complicated process to cope with stress and burnout. According to Vijay Eswaran, he advises always taking a break daily to meditate. To consistently achieve this, he believes in the Sphere of Silence to help you intelligently on how you plan your day.
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Vijay Eswaran is a renowned businessman who began his company when the Asian economy was in crisis back in the 9o’s. He explains his business journey as a battlefield where he has felt the impact of all the businesses’ challenges. However, today startups have simplified their work with the thousands of resources available and technological advancement to improve hiring and development.
Eswaran’s first experience in the world of business in his late 30s was a challenge with a falling Asian Economy and no guidance to run to. Despite his difficult moments as an entrepreneur, he kept pushing on and consistently found undeliberated peace through SOS. The Sphere of Silence is the daily routine to get involved in silence for at least an hour a day. It also consists of getting engaged in a three-step procedure to assist you to achieve the best out of your 24 hours a day. Vijay Eswaran learned the art of SOS from his grandfather at an early age. His grandfather always spent an hour in total silence before starting his day, which always was a great therapy of his inner peace and time to shape his listening capabilities to his best.
According to Vijay Eswaran, the Sphere of Silence is a concept created from his personal and historic mindfulness systems. Anyone looking forward to refreshen their mind and taking full accountability of their day can practice SOS. Having one hour of silence consistently daily will help you evaluate where you are and model your future to the best.