The Alliance Defending Freedom Does Work All Over The World

The world is a large place. Everyone has specific needs. All people need basics such as access to clean water and a place to shield them from the elements. People also need the chance to live freely. Living freely can take different forms. For many people, this means the right to express their deepest feelings and beliefs in public no matter where they live. Those at the Alliance Defending Freedom know this well.

In fact, the right to practice a person’s belief system freely is one of their deepest principles. This is also one of the reasons why they were formed. Their goal has long been — and continues to be — the right to freely believe what people want to believe free from the coercion of the state. They know that all people deserve this right. That right is something they believe should be extended to the entire globe.

Working Hard

Hard work is one of the foundations of what they do at the Alliance Defending Freedom. They work hard to help people all over the world. One of their focuses is working closely with religious minorities. Religious minorities, in their opinion, should always be free to adhere to their religion. They want to ensure that all such minorities have the ability to speak out in public and celebrate their religion in private. That means working hard and taking a firm stand all over the world.

In 1998, ADF launched the Center for Faith and Cultural Engagement (CFCE). CFCE works with faith-based organizations, churches, and ministries to defend religious liberty while retaining their integrity and independence as ministries.

Defending religious freedom across the globe is something they do each day at the Alliance Defending Freedom. Their work has enabled thousands of people to have the freedom they need no matter where they happen to live. For Christians, their work has been vitally important. Thanks to their efforts, Christians can more freely practice their religion no matter where they live. See related link for more information.


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