Watford Wins With Acquisition by Pozzo Family

The Pozzo family has a reputation for taking struggling football clubs and turning them into champions. Football fans saw this happen when the Pozzo family purchased the Udinese Calcio Football Club in 1986 and turned it into a top-flight club in 1995. Later, the Pozzo family achieved the same success with the Granada football club.

When the Pozzo family purchased the Watford football club in 2012, Gino Pozzo prioritized it over the other football clubs. In order to focus more on Watford’s success, he decided to sell the Granada football club to Link International Sports. Gino Pozzo had long-term plans for the Watford football club.

Player recruitment and trading played a large part in Pozzo transforming the Watford football club into a premier league club. Fans and the media didn’t know what to think the first year when Pozzo pulled players from his other clubs. Though this tactic worked, many were opposed, and this method of bringing players on loan to the other football clubs to Watford was banned.

The media also criticized Watford as unstable for changing the head coach frequently during the years. Gino Pozzo does not place such importance on the changing of head coaches but focuses more on the players. However, Gino Pozzo’s approach to managing the Watford football club was successful, and some naysayers eventually approved after they saw the Watford Football Club improve their national standing.

In four years since the Pozzo family acquired the Watford football club, the club moved from the fourth division to the premier league. Gino Pozzo continues to find amazing athletic talents through his top-notch scouting program. Gino Pozzo continues to believe in the long-term plan for Watford’s continued success. He has stated that he is committed to the Watford football club and its success.

Pozzo is so committed to the Watford football club that he recently turned down a bid to buy a majority of shares in the club. See this article for more information.


Learn more about Gino Pozzo on https://theathletic.com/3731531/2022/10/26/pozzo-watford-udinese-talks/