Sports Illustrated CEO is improving the print media industry
2021 was very special for Sports Illustrated. The organization, just like numerous companies in the industry, decided to move to the digital premium membership service. Sports Illustrated was acquired by an organization called Authentic Brands Group in 2019, and this was the start of a new dawn for the facility. Few weeks after the purchase, Sports Illustrated began to experience transformations by signing incredible deals. Going through the serious transformation was inevitable for this successful company. The media space has been undergoing serious transformations, and everything has been happening very fast. The media company got a new leader, Ross Levonsohn who has been instrumental in creating the best changes for the institution. Ross searched for the options to use in the company, and he realized that the idea of advertising dollars did not have a lot of impact in the growth of publishing companies. The market was already embracing new methods such as paywall to make sure that their companies remained strong while offering customers the best reading experiences. Sports Illustrated CEO went for the new methods in the market, and he is happy and impressed with the growth he is getting in his organization.
Sports Illustrated CEO proudly handled Maven, a fast growing media firm based in Seattle. The organization operates as a strong coalition of over three hundred media organizations. The large company mostly focuses on shared distribution, publishing and monetization for the three hundred companies under its coalition. Sports Illustrated CEO, after getting the rights to lead the large institution, began handling the business in the midst of the harsh pandemic. The healthcare pandemic was very harsh for businesses in the world, and Ross Levinsohn did not lose his focus because of this pandemic. Ross searched for the best ways of making his business thrive and get to better heights even when everyone was using technology to access the news they needed. The world was slowly moving away from using print media whenever they wanted to get information about various things taking place. The best way to make the businesses in media better was to come up with subscription models that have resulted to very good profits.